Monday, April 5, 2010

Drop in and Decorate for Mother's Day

Lydia Walshin, of, is up on top this spring, encouraging blog readers and writers to participate in a

Mother's Day Drop in and Decorate.   If you're interested, you can email Lydia at:

lydia@dropinanddecorate and get all of the info....

It's a great and wonderful opportunity.  Just invite a bunch of friends over for a morning, afternoon or evening, make a mess of cookies, and let them decorate.  Deliver the cookies to a non-profit organization.....

What could be more fun?
Let Lydia know if you'd like to participate this spring.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Alyce! And we have free coffee from Dunkin' Donuts and coupons from Pillsbury for everyone who wants to host a cookies-for-donation party.


I can't wait to hear from you!

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