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Friday, September 28, 2012

38 Power Foods, Week 16 -- Apricots-- Coffee Cup Apple Cobbler with Apricots, Dates, and Walnuts

Just add ice cream
Gently put:  I'm so very, very thrilled to be able to bake.  Anything.  To leave a burner on for soup.  Any kind.  Blessed fall, I welcome you with a full slate of cooking I've been dying to do for a month.

My husband started wandering around a few weeks go saying things like:
Are there any cookies?  Any at all anywhere?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tuna Salad Quesadillas - A Recipe in a Title

Tuna Salad Quesadillas -- a Recipe in a Title
 If you read both blogs regularly, you'll be starting to feel like I'm hooked on this sort of salad.  In fact, I'm not.

Friday, September 21, 2012

38 Power Foods, Week 15 -- Winter Squash -- Israeli Couscous-Butternut Squash Salad with Fall Fruit, Cheese and Orange Vinaigrette

Israeli (Pearl) Couscous, butternut squash, apples, pears, figs, cranberries, cheese, and pecans with an orange vinaigrette--cornucopia salad.

How are new salads born at my house?    Like this......

I've had some Israeli couscous (actually a blend) in my cabinet for a few months.  Waiting.
Typically I throw some leeks, garlic, and asparagus in a sauté pan come spring and throw those lovely things into a bowl of couscous or orzo with a handful of grated Parmesan and lots of black pepper.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Proscuitto Caprese with Toasty Brussels Sprouts and Parmesan Chips

 I have a terrible time leaving caprese alone.  I just keep messing with it.  Adding this and that.  Changing it up. Or Down.  In part, I've just been overrun with tomatoes, so why not eat them fresh while they're heavy, fragrant, juicy, and ripe?  Make hay while the sun shines.

Friday, September 14, 2012

38 Power Foods, Week 14 -- Tomatoes -- Photos from my Tomato Gallery

Julia's 100th Birthday post:  Salmon Fillet en Papillote with Spinach and Tomatoes
Just for fun this time, I thought I'd share some of my favorite tomatoes and tomato dishes  from both of my blogs ...  Enjoy my crop!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Linguine Caprese or How I Got My Tomatoes On

Saute a little garlic and shallots; cook up some pasta.  Add fresh tomatoes, chopped mozzerella, parsley and basil. That's it.

 I seem to be spending every waking hour figuring out how to use up the cherry tomatoes and basil that just keep coming.  (Was there a little voice whispering, "Fresh pasta?")

Friday, September 7, 2012

38 Power Foods, Week 13 -- Swiss Chard -- Vinegar-Chard with Apples, Shallots, and Honey

Not terribly photogenic, but quite delicious.
  I don't cook Swiss chard a lot, though when I make it, I'm always happy I have and wonder why I don't make it more often.  It's a fast side for chops or chicken (chop/saute),  tops rice beautifully, and fills an omelet like nothing else.  Did I mention it's gorgeous?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

38 Power Foods, Week 12 -- Sweet Potatoes -- Warm Two-Potato Salad with Tarragon-Mustard Vinaigrette

from a June, 2012 post

(A note to my readers:  This blog has been publishing with an odd display and, in an attempt to restore its appearance, I've inadvertently deleted all of the comments from this post.  Please accept my apologies and thanks for your lovely comments!  Now on to today's post....)

Necessity is the mother of invention.
As is a determination to use what's available in the larder.
Tonight, I had probably half a pound roasted pork loin and a nice dish of my favorite barbeque sauce leftover from a birthday dinner for my friend, Lani.    I had, however, eaten the side that went with it for lunch.  Of course I knew what I was doing, but I love toasted Israeli couscous with vegetables.