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Friday, September 14, 2012

38 Power Foods, Week 14 -- Tomatoes -- Photos from my Tomato Gallery

Julia's 100th Birthday post:  Salmon Fillet en Papillote with Spinach and Tomatoes
Just for fun this time, I thought I'd share some of my favorite tomatoes and tomato dishes  from both of my blogs ...  Enjoy my crop!

Farro Salad with Canned Salmon (not on the blogs yet)

Egg and Egg White Omelet with Cottage Cheese on Toast

Basil-Tomato Egg White-Egg Omelet (not on blog)
My Little Shop of Horrors 2 Cherry Tomato plants

BLT Risotto

Shrimp-Quinoa Salad with Feta and Tomatoes

Guacamole Soup from my upcoming book, 30 Soups in 30 Minutes

Grilled Chicken Salad with Boccacini and Asparagus
Grilled Fish with Asparagus on Greens
Just making sure you're looking.  No tomatoes, but a favorite picture!

Bacon Caprese with a Green Bean and Mustard Vinaigrette at Center

Linguine Caprese (from last Monday)
Grilled Eggplant and Sausage Pasta--made totally on the grill

Lunch Counter Chicken Salad Stuffed Tomato


Garlic Bread Grilled Tomato under Grill Press

Proscuitto Caprese with Pan-Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Crispy Parmesan Chips (not on blog yet)

Closeup of above

My ribs.  My sauce.  Dave grills!

Rice and Bean Salad with Lime Vinaigrette

Egg White - Spinach Omelet with Salsa and Fresh Tomatoes

Garlic Bread Grilled Tomato Sandwich

Chicken-Guacamole Salad with Fresh Lime Vinaigrette

Plain old tuna salad for Dave's lunch
Diana Kennedy's salsa
Sauteing cherry tomatoes for salad--I use the oil for the dressing
Eggs, tortillas and fresh salsa for breakfast
Fried Egg and Potato Salad

Not blogged, but Dave baked these breadsticks (made from my pizza dough) on the grill!
This is just any old salad, though it tastes just the opposite with Minnesota tomatoes.

Meatball Subs
Walleye Salad

Poached Egg Chef's Salad

Egg Salad
Fish baked in tomatoes

These (above and below) are part of the BLT risotto preparation.
Tapenade Salad (w/ lemon vinaigrette)--a summer favorite of mine

Sole on Leeks with Salad  (also on Food52)

Alyce's Homemade Tomato Soup with Fried Cheese
Tomatoed Cod with Spinach
Ratatouille-Steamed Salmon with Jasmine Rice and Spinach

For information on the wonderful things tomatoes do for your body (besides make it happy,) visit LiveStrong.   Thank for reading the blog today!

I blog with a great group of food writers on Fridays as we cook our way through the list of foods from Whole Living Magazine's Power Foods:  150 Delicious Recipes with the 38 Healthiest Ingredients: 

  Read more about beautiful tomatoes this week at these sites:

Ansh –  
Jill – SaucyCooks 
Sarah - Everything in the Kitchen Sink
Anabanana -
Alanna -
Join us:

If you're interested in joining the gang writing each week, get in touch with Mireya from My Healthy Eating Habits:

These are my own recipes (with noted exceptions) and can be found on this blog or on my blog Dinner Place, Cooking for One. unless otherwise noted.
Photos/all copyright Alyce Morgan, 2012


two dog kitchen and around the 'hood

Today's activity:  brush, trim, bath, shake, dry on back porch, brush.   Repeat.  Don't like it much.

Sing a new song,


  1. Lovely spread of tomatoey things. Makes us realize just how many ways we eat it.

  2. The versatility of tomatoes shines. Beautiful plating.

  3. Wow - what a beautiful array of all kinds of dishes using the power food tomatoes! I love how beautiful and versatile tomatoes are, as you've demonstrated.

  4. I realized as I looked through my photo files just how much I used tomatoes. I left out quite a few photos, too! They are incredible in so many things, but I realized just a bit ago I didn't put up a regular vegetable soup--and tomatoes are critical in it. I'll have to look. Thanks,guys! Happy weekend.

  5. Jeez, your food is making me hungry for lunch and I haven't even had breakfast yet. Loved the friends eating under the tree photo.

  6. We were at a party on Saturday where every single dish (save one, the cheesecake for dessert) had tomatoes in it. Tis that season, getting in the last of them before they're gone for the winter and spring.

  7. @Mireya: Hub and youngest daughter! I love it, too.
    Alanna: That's really funny; same thing here. I pop one in my mouth every time I go through the kitchen. The tiny ones, that is!


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