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Sunday, September 2, 2012

38 Power Foods, Week 12 -- Sweet Potatoes -- Warm Two-Potato Salad with Tarragon-Mustard Vinaigrette

from a June, 2012 post

(A note to my readers:  This blog has been publishing with an odd display and, in an attempt to restore its appearance, I've inadvertently deleted all of the comments from this post.  Please accept my apologies and thanks for your lovely comments!  Now on to today's post....)

Necessity is the mother of invention.
As is a determination to use what's available in the larder.
Tonight, I had probably half a pound roasted pork loin and a nice dish of my favorite barbeque sauce leftover from a birthday dinner for my friend, Lani.    I had, however, eaten the side that went with it for lunch.  Of course I knew what I was doing, but I love toasted Israeli couscous with vegetables.

If this were in your frig, you'd heat it up for lunch, too.  Along with a nice big shard of parm Lani brought over Friday night as a "coming to dinner" gift.  Yow.

Anyway, when it came time for dinner tonight (and we are eating outside every night now), it was kind of, "Well, I know what half of it is."  The rest I had to throw my eyes around the kitchen for.  Bad grammar, too.  I sp
  • sweet potatoes
  • Idaho potatoes
  • shallots
  • fresh tarragon (out the back door)
  • red bell pepper (in the frig)
  • broccoli
And what to with it?  My first idea was to grill the potatoes and make a salad, but I didn't want to heat the stove long enough for my big cast iron grill.  It was warm.   Dave was busy upstairs; I decided to not have him pull out the big Weber grill outdoors for me.   My 14" saute pan was on the stove clean from yesterday's frittata.  A little olive oil, a little chop, and the salad began. Here's how:

warm two-potato salad with mustard-tarragon vinaigrette                4 serving for a side  (2 for a main course)
  • 2T olive oil 
  • 1/2 t kosher salt
  • 1/4 t each  fresh ground black pepper and crushed red pepper
    In a large sauté pan, heat olive oil, salt and peppers over medium heat.  Add:
  • 1 ea:  large Idaho and sweet potato, medium diced (peel sweet potato only) 

Cook, stirring often, until softened but not tender.  Add: 
  • 1 small head of broccoli, trimmed and cut into small florets  (about 1 cup)
  • 1 large red bell pepper, small dice
Cook, stirring often, until broocoli browned (not done) and potatoes are tender.  Add:
  • 1 shallot (slice half for salad; mince half for vinaigrette)

Cook another two minutes or so until shallot is softened.   Spoon into a large bowl and toss with vinaigrette (recipe below).   Top with
  • 1T fresh lemon juice
  • 2T grated aged Gouda cheese or Parmesan cheese

 Serve warm or at room temperature.


Whisk together:  
  • 1/2 large shallot, minced (see above-you'll use other half with potatoes) 
  • 2T white wine vinegar
  • 1/2 t Dijon mustard
  • 1T minced fresh tarragon (or 1 t dried)
  • pinch salt and pepper

Drizzle in, whisking, until well combined or emulsified:
  • 4T olive oil


 Want more great sweet potato ideas?  Check out the other beautiful 38 Healthiest Ingredient bloggers:

Ansh –  
Jill – SaucyCooks 
Sarah - Everything in the Kitchen Sink
Anabanana -
As we go along, I'm guessing we'll get some other writers involved.  If you're interested in joining the gang writing each week, get in touch with Mireya from My Healthy Eating Habits:


On my Dinner Place (Cooking for One) blog right now:  

shrimp-quinoa salad with feta and tomatoes:

 Hot nights:  if you skip the quinoa and buy cooked shrimp, this is a no-cook dinner.  Another option is microwave rice.

Sing a new song


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