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Friday, March 8, 2013

38 Power Foods, Week 34 -- Eggs -- Sriracha Eggs over Biscuits with Basil Salsa



Brunch is a loved meal that doesn't get eaten nearly often enough. It spells S-L-O-W.  Relaxed.  No rush. Picking and choosing as in, "There's too much to choose from!"  Shades of a string quartet bowing off in a corner.  An attractive guy in a long apron at your elbow, murmuring, "More coffee?  Champagne?"   Unfortunately, we go out for brunch most of the time--and spend a bundle, too.  We sort of assume it's too much trouble to cook or maybe even to entertain midday on the weekends, but I enjoy it.  (Even for just two.)

Add to the pull toward the middle of the day menu that I am crazy about eggs.  One of my really good friends says, "I never met an egg I didn't like." That's about the size of it.   If you don't believe me, you'll have to see some of the things I do with eggs.

This is my Oven-Baked Vegetable Soup with Poached Egg

 or my Porridged Eggs, which are eggs cooked in oats stove top:

 You get the idea, right?

But take a look at today's pretty little egg dish and...

 To this fast meal,  you might add a little fruit salad and maybe a piece of coffee cake or pastry from the best bakery (chocolate mousse?) in town and you're in business.  Bloody Marys and Mimosas (or some variation) are part of the conventional brunch wisdom, as is a vat of strong, perfect coffee and real cream.  A dash of Jack or brandy in the coffee might replace the marys and mimosas for some.  Even hot cocoa (mocha?) with a swig of brandy or a tot of Peppermint Schnapps would do the trick.  Don't skip out on the fun drinks; they're a big part of why people like to go out to those expensive, extravagant brunches at inns or hotels.   Set the table with your favorite things and pour a little pitcher of real cream.

Really quick real hot chocolate at my house:  To a microwave safe mug, add one ounce of good-quality bittersweet chocolate. (Just break it up; no need to grate) Add one teaspoon granulated sugar.   Pour in milk until the mug is about 3/4 full.  Microwave on full-power until hot--about two minutes in my microwave. (Don't boil.) Whisk until smooth.  

Save yourself a few bucks and invite your sister or that neighbor you keep meaning to ask over.  There you go.  You have the entire Sunday afternoon to while away sipping that second (third) cup of coffee and dreaming about what you're planting next month.

How about some dill?
And while you're at it, you're eating one of the thirty-eight power foods, eggs. One of the few foods with vitamin D, protein-packed, quick-cooking,  low-cal (90)  and inexpensive eggs are also loaded with B vitamins and lots of minerals.  There is little with which they don't pair.  Eggs and asparagus are one of my most-loved combinations.

My Boiled Eggs and Asparagus on English Muffins with Cheese Sauce--perfect for Easter brunch.

My Dad called them (one of) nature's perfect foods.  Read more about eggs here at The Incredible, Edible Egg. 

My friend Cathy's "ladies" lay sexy-colored beauties. They're just starting to "come on" with the longer light.
And while I love eggs, I don't like chickens at all.  Here in Saint Paul, we can have chickens right in the city, but I'm not going there.  Cathy has to keep her ladies to herself and just share the eggs.  I trade her oatmeal chocolate chip cookies or granola for a dozen of these lovelies.  I get the bargain.

 So call a friend for next Sunday at 12:00 and------

Chill the sparkler, set the table, and make the biscuits on Saturday.  Put on your brunch music:

 Product Details 

Williams-Sonoma Presents Sunday Brunch

  and make....

      Note:  These eggs are just barely "spicy."  If you like HOT, double or triple the Sriracha.

sriracha eggs over biscuits with basil salsa
Serves 2              doubles, triples, or quadruples easily

There are people who would marry you for these.
  • Basil Salsa (recipe below)
  • 2-4 biscuits (depending on how thick you'd like your bottom layer)*
  • 1 teaspoon butter, melted or olive oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 teaspoon Sriracha  
  • 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
  • Fresh ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons grated sharp cheddar or gouda cheese (optional), plus a bit for garnish

  1. Make basil salsa and set aside.
  2. Slice biscuits+ (in thin or thick layers-up to you) and divide between two serving plates.
  3. Place butter or olive oil in small skillet and heat over medium heat.
  4. Meantime, in a small bowl, beat together the eggs, Sriracha, salt, and a grind or two of black pepper. 
  5. Pour eggs into pan and let set briefly, stir to bring uncooked eggs up from the bottom.  Repeat until eggs are cooked to your liking. Stir in cheese.
  6. Divide eggs evenly over biscuits and top with basil salsa. Garnish with a bit of cheese and another grind of black pepper. 
*No biscuits?  English muffins or toasted leftover baguette are good substitutes.
+Don't want to worry about rushing?  Make your biscuits the night before.  Heat briefly in the oven (350 degrees Fahrenheit for five minutes.)
... ... ... ... ...
Sriracha is a hot chili sauce named for the coastal port city in Thailand from which it hails. The general recipe for sriracha includes ground chiles, vinegar, garlic, sugar, and salt, and was first developed to serve with seafood. (

 alyce's basil salsa 
                               ***also tasty on chicken or fish tacos or plain grilled or poached white fish
  • 1/4 cup each chopped fresh basil and spinach
  • 1 tablespoon minced onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated or finely minced garlic
  • 2 tablespoons minced red bell pepper
  • 1 small tomato, chopped finely
In a small bowl, mix all ingredients together gently.  Taste and adjust  seasonings.  (More onion? Garlic?) 

cook's note I like this salsa without the heat of jalapeno, etc; it's much fresher and the beautiful delicate basil is not overpowered by heat.  That said, add a bit of minced jalapeno if you like it. I opted for Sriracha in the eggs, which could be increased. You then have spicy topped by cool and fragrant--refreshing.

If you like this, you might also like my Poached Eggs on Grilled Cheddar Tomatoes

or my Egg+Egg White Omelet Filled with Cottage Cheese on Whole Wheat Toast

Say that three times real fast.

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38 Power Foods is a Team Effort!

Stop by these other blogs and see what they're cooking each week as we team up to bring you some of the healthiest cooking available:

Ansh –  
Minnie Gupta from
Sarah - Everything in the Kitchen Sink

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 Sing a new song because while the snow is still piled up, the sun is shining in the beautiful city of  Saint Paul, Minnesota,


  1. I love the presentation and the basil salsa. We eat a lot of eggs at my home, and sriracha scrambled eggs are my son's fav ones (he can eat a LOT of red heat). I am going to make the basil salsa next time I cook him some. Lovely!!!

    In case you haven't had a chance, do check out my post on pumpkin seeds from last week:

  2. @Minnie: Thanks! I'm going to see your pumpkin seed post right now.
    Happy Friday.

  3. I agree with your Dad. Eggs are nature's perfect food. I am really biased towards eggs. I love them so much.

    And Lady!! Have you brought the house down with all that yumminess!! Delicious Delicious recipe!!

  4. I'm surprised that you often go out to eat. You're such a good cook that you must often feel disappointed when you go out. These eggs look fantastic, but I'll take mine without the sriracha.

  5. @Ansh @Mireya Thanks! We do go out to eat; I love to not cook sometimes. And I'm often really excited to see what's out there. We ate brunch today at MERITAGE in downtown Saint Paul, where they make homemade beignets on Sundays. Lovely. And the omelet was golden, tender, bright yellow, full of herbs--quite French. Quite happy!

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  7. Great writing it is such a cool and nice blog, thanks for sharing your post. I like your post very much. Thanks for your post.


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