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Friday, May 3, 2013

Ina Fridays -- Sides, Soups, and Salads-- Easy Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese Croutons

Since I'm writing a soup cookbook, I'm always interested in soups others make.  Not only family, friends, and neighbors, but also famous cooks like Ina Garten.  If I'm home and I've been working all day, I'm in front of the tv with my feet up at 3:00 Central Time when Ina makes one of  her appearances on Food Network's Barefoot Contessa.  While doing a little background reading for this post, I discovered this on FOOD NETWORK'S "10 Things You Didn't Know about the Barefoot Contessa":

She’s never watched herself on TV. “I couldn’t possibly. If I watched a show, I don’t think I’d ever do it again,” she laughs. “Filming is still the most frightening thing I’ve done. It’s just sheer terror. I haven’t gotten used to it yet.”
Of course, it doesn't matter to me whether or not she watches herself, but I get it.  As a longtime singer and choir director, I cannot stand to hear a recording of me singing.  In fact, I don't like performing as a soloist; I'd rather direct.  So Ina's words resonate with me.

Another comment she made was about cooking from recipes; she always cooks from her own books.  She doesn't wing it at all.

“I trust them,” she says. And after all these years, she still prefers a recipe over winging it. “I’m a science person. I measure everything.”        Read more here.
 That, I don't get.  I absolutely cook by the end of my apron strings nearly always.  I dream things up daily despite a huge shelf full of cookbooks.  Dave, my husband, says, "That was good.  Do you think we'll ever have it again?!"  For instance:

Here's my Ovenbaked Vegetable Soup with Poached Egg

This week, our group of veteran food bloggers is cooking up all Ina "S's" -- Soups, Sides, or Salads.  My choice was:

easy tomato soup with grilled cheese croutons

The simplest of soup ingredients (onions, garlic, chicken broth, tomatoes, orzo, cream) make up the bulk of this quick soup and, while the soup (all rights reserved) is part of Ina's newest book, FOOLPROOF, you can also get the recipe on the Barefoot Contessa site. The most unusual aspect of this soup is its use of saffron, that lovely warm floral seasoning made from the stigma of croci, or crocuses if you will:

  CROCUS:  a small, spring-flowering plant of the iris family, which grows from a corm and bears bright yellow, purple, or white flowers.  (Oxford English Dictionary.)

So:  What did I think?  It was tasty, tasty..........

Overall, a lovely, basic and inexpensive tomato soup made more filling with the addition of orzo, small rice-like pieces of pasta.  The grilled cheese croutons were cute and yummy--a great idea and a fun addition.  You just make a grilled cheese and cut it into 1-inch segments. 

I'll admit I had to change a few things in the soup AND the croutons for personal reasons...

CROUTONS:   Ina's white bread, 2 T butter, and 4 ounces of cheese were changed to whole wheat, 1 teaspoon butter, and one thin slice of cheese so that I could eat it without going off program.  
  •  The fragrant saffron was lost on me as the tomatoes were almost overwhelming in their sweetness. (At least mine were. ) Making it another time, I would increase the amount of saffron.  Ina's "large pinch," might become two. 
  •  I cut the salt in the interest of health, but also in the interest of taste-- from one tablespoon to one and a half teaspoons. Salt, like sugar, cuts acidity; acidity, however wasn't the problem.
  •  I included the entire amount of black pepper, one teaspoon, but pretty much wished I'd put in a pinch of crushed red pepper despite the warm mouth buzz left when dinner was done.  Of course, I'm addicted to crushed red pepper.
Saffron threads from Penzey's
  •  I skipped the heavy cream and instead topped my soup with a little spoonful of  plain Greek yogurt as I'm watching my caloric intake. (I'm on Weight Watchers.)  Just to see, however, I did try one single spoonful with the cream to see if it dulled the sweetness of the tomatoes.  No.  Not so much.  It was creamy and luscious, of course!  I think I'd do without if I had to choose.
  • One last thing:  as the soup sat, the orzo grew AND GREW (as pasta will do in soup) and, by the time it cooled enough for me to refrigerate it, the pasta was dominant.  Pretty much appeared to be pasta and sauce in the pot.  There are two possibilities:  one, use a small orzo (there are different sizes) or use less.

What's cool about this is you have pretty much a little pot of sweet marinara with tiny pasta--and it's good.  And it's not nearly as caloric as a big plate of spaghetti, yet you still get the whole deal taste-wise.  This soup is also darned quick.  You could be eating in forty minutes total, including grilling the sandwiches.   Family-friendly, leftovers would make great lunches at work or school.  A little hot sauce and your big-eater guy friend would be swooning.  Is it foolproof?  I'd say so. Yes, I'd agree; she's definitely got that down.  Just watch the salt.

Would you like it?  Yes, I'm sure you would.  Is it a recipe you can trust?  It says  you can on the front cover of the book.  Definitely.  Trust it.  But make it your own.

What else might you do?   

You might brown up  a couple of links of top-flight Italian sausage (slice it) and either use it for a "crouton" instead of the grilled cheese or add it to the sandwich.  If you'd like something green (imagine), chop up a half cup each of fresh basil and spinach and stir in for the last minute or two (having left out the saffron.)  You would definitely have a good glass of zin or reserve Chianti along side.  You'd probably skip dessert.  I think you'd be full.

stop in and see what our fine writers are cooking up on the first Friday of each month:
Are you a food blogger?  Want to join in one time a month? Email Alyce @  or link in to join us once in a while (click on blue oval link button at bottom and follow prompts) only if you're blogging Ina!  We'd love to have you.

If you like this, you might like 


or my Tomato Soup Faster Then You Can Say Grilled Cheese

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Fight Hunger Due to Sequester Cuts--Get Involved:

I follow a fine blog called Leave It Where Jesus Flang It, written by the Rev. Margaret Watson, pastor for nine congregations on the Cheyenne River Reservation.  Sequester cuts have left  her elderly, handicapped, and grandparents (who are raising children) in a very troubling situation, unable to pay bills or buy food.  Children are at risk, as well.  If you click on the blog link, you'll see the letter she's written her congressional representatives.  If you'd like to help ease this situation, read the blog and write your own representatives or leave a comment asking how you might help directly.  Donations, of course, are always accepted by the mission.

Here are some excerpts from Margaret's letter:

I cannot afford to feed all the people who come to my door asking for help. I have emptied my own freezer, my own cupboard in order to help these desperate folks.
In the last six months, I have done 40 funerals --six infants, two teen suicides, and many, many folks under the age 40.
Don't punish the children and the elderly and the poor and the disabled by cutting the programs that at least keep them alive at poverty levels. 
I can only say I am shocked and depressed by my own government. Do better than this. The people you are supposed to serve deserve better.

Sing a new song;


  1. I am a soup person which is why I am waiting for your book. In the meanwhile, this is a soup, I could be happy with.

  2. @Just a girl + Chaya: I thought it was wholesome and the recipe's on line until my book's out. If it ever gets done. (Everytime I think I'm close, I'm not!) Happy Friday!

  3. You did a marvelous job of lightening up the recipe, Alyce. The croutons would do me in however...I love 'em.
    BTW: I've had a problem with saffron too, both times the recipe needed more than it called for.

  4. @Barbara: One of the beautiful things about tomato soup is how healthy it is; I didn't want to spend all my points on a bowl of soup! I did eat the croutons-all of them for a total of 6 points. That was worth it. Thanks. I wonder how old my saffron was; it was totally sealed in a plastic packet and then in a bottle (Penzey's.)??

  5. That's interesting that she cooks from her own recipe books. Does this mean she doesn't like cooking form other's books?

  6. I've looked at that recipe about fifteen times and thought hmmmmm...
    I should make that..


  7. @Mireya I've heard her say her favorite cookbooks are LOAVES AND FISHES (out of print last time I looked) and, I think (I could be wrong) CUCINA SIMPATICA. For my money, and because she's a cook of my generation, and because I know her food and this book, I would guess she spent a lot of time with SILVER PALATE.

  8. This had been initial choice for Ina Friday this week, and I did not make it finally because I did not have enough saffron. Looks like I made the right choice. The soup looks beautiful.

  9. @thelady Make this soup; we enjoyed it for three days. Lovely, low-fat, light--I had one last serving a froze to have for lunch one day this week!Thanks:)

  10. Alyce, what a fun, informative and delicious looking post. I loved the 30-rock clip of why Liz will never be the Barefoot Contessa :-)

    The recipe for this soup took my eye as I was perusing Foolproof recently. Now, I will definitely add it to my "must try" list as soon as soup season returns here in Phoenix.

  11. @Martha A few days later, I have to admit I had frozen one last portion and had it for lunch; it was wonderful. Straight from the freezer into the microwave in one of those oversize Corning Ware cups with the tight rubber lid. Try it. You'll like it! (Inexpensive meal, too, except for saffron.)


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