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Monday, June 4, 2012

Warm Two-Potato Salad with Mustard-Tarragon Vinaigrette

Necessity is the mother of invention.
As is a determination to use what's available in the larder.
Tonight, I had probably half a pound roasted pork loin and a nice dish of my favorite barbeque sauce leftover from a birthday dinner for my friend, Lani.    I had, however, eaten the side that went with it for lunch.  Of course I knew what I was doing, but I love toasted Israeli couscous with vegetables.

If this were in your frig, you'd heat it up for lunch, too.  Along with a nice big shard of parm Lani brought over Friday night as a "coming to dinner" gift.  Yow.

Anyway, when it came time for dinner tonight (and we are eating outside every night now), it was kind of, "Well, I know what half of it is."  The rest I had to throw my eyes around the kitchen for.  Bad grammar, too.  I spy:

  • sweet potatoes
  • Idaho potatoes
  • shallots
  • fresh tarragon (out the back door)
  • red bell pepper (in the frig)
  • broccoli
And what to with it?  My first idea was to grill the potatoes and make a salad, but I didn't want to heat the stove long enough for my big cast iron grill.  It was warm.   Dave was busy upstairs; I decided to not have him pull out the big Weber grill outdoors for me.   My 14" saute pan was on the stove clean from yesterday's frittata.  A little olive oil, a little chop, and the salad began. Here's how:

warm two-potato salad with mustard-tarragon vinaigrette                4 servings for a side  (2 for a main course)

  • 2T olive oil 
  • 1/2 t kosher salt
  • 1/4 t each  fresh ground black pepper and crushed red pepper

In a large sauté pan, heat olive oil, salt and peppers over medium heat.  Add:
  • 1 ea:  large Idaho and sweet potato, medium diced (peel sweet potato only) 

Cook, stirring often, until softened but not tender.  Add: 
  • 1 small head of broccoli, trimmed and cut into small florets  (about 1 cup)
  • 1 large red bell pepper, small dice

Cook, stirring often, until broccoli is a bit browned (not done) and potatoes are tender.  Add:
  • 1 shallot (slice half for salad; mince the other half for vinaigrette)

Cook another two minutes or so until shallot is softened.   Spoon into a large bowl and toss with vinaigrette (recipe below).   Top with
  • 1T fresh lemon juice
  • 2T grated aged Gouda cheese or Parmesan cheese

 Serve warm or at room temperature.



Whisk together:  
  • 1/2 large shallot, minced (see above-you'll use other half with potatoes) 
  • 2T white wine vinegar
  • 1/2 t Dijon mustard
  • 1T minced fresh tarragon (or 1 t dried)
  • pinch salt and pepper

Drizzle in, whisking, until well combined or emulsified:
  • 4T olive oil 

Done just in time to see an episode of Downton Abbey.  (I got Season 2 for Mother's Day.)
And talk to my daughter for a while.  I miss her so; she's out doing her pastor thing in Niagra Falls.  Thanks, God.

on the dinnerplace blog right now: 

Cranberry-Blueberry Orange Muffins

two-dog kitchen and around the 'hood

Miss Gab waiting for me to be done cooking.

On a walk around Lake Como--heard music.  Looked up to see a wedding in process. Stopped yelling at dogs immediately!

Another Lake Como View--Can't see, but a turtle family sunning on rocks.

If you liked today's post, you might like this-- French Potato Salad with Vegetables
Sing a new song,

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