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Friday, June 29, 2012

38 Power Foods, Week 3 -- Avocado-- Chicken-Guacamole Salad

                                                        Chicken-Guacamole Salad with a Big Squeeze of Fresh Lime... 
If you live in the part of world where it's summer, this is your dinner.  Because it's just too hot to cook nearly anything.  Grill up a few chicken breasts at a time and you'll have plenty for this meal and tomorrow's, too.  (Chicken tacos?  Chicken salad sandwiches?)  This guacamole couldn't be better or easier:  chop up a simple pico de gallo and stir it into avocados.  Some cut-up or sliced chicken, greens, some lime?  You're already eating.   Buy your avocados a couple of days ahead and let them ripen on the counter or in a paper bag if your grocery doesn't carry ripe avocados.   Try this:

chicken-guacamole salad                             3-4 servings
  • 1/2 c fresh cilantro, chopped roughly, divided
  • 1/2 c fresh green pepper, chopped in 1/2" pieces
  • 1/4 c red sweet pepper, chopped in 1/2 " pieces
  • 1/2 jalapeño, minus seeds and veins, very finely minced (for more heat, use the whole pepper)
  • 1/4 c red onion, minced
  • 1 c tomatoes, roughly chopped
  • 2 ripe avocados,  peeled, seeded, and roughly chopped
  • 1 c cooked rice seasoned with a light sprinkle of salt and pepper
  • Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper
  • 1 Lime, cut in half  (Cut one of the halves into slices)
  • 2 chicken breasts, grilled and chopped
  • 2 c baby spinach leaves
  • 1/2c sharp cheddar grated

Mix cilantro through tomatoes in a large bowl, reserving 2 T cilantro.  Stir in avocados.   Mix the reserved 2 T cilantro into the cooked rice and add the rice to the guacamole salad. Season with salt and pepper. Taste and adjust seasoning. Squeeze half of the lime over the salad. Add chopped chicken breasts and spinach and stir gently. Sprinkle with cheese. Serve mounded, with a piece of lime on each plate to use at table.

Cook's Notes: Don't even have the energy to chop, stir, or cook?  Buy a roasted deli chicken and pre-made guac for an even easier meal.  Many shops now sell freshly-made pico de gallo or salsa.  The packages of microwave rice would work well for this dinner and would cut both time and kitchen heat.

Wine?  Not.  It's time for a margarita or a beer.  (Ok,  Sangria,  Riesling or an Oregon Pinot Blanc if you have to have wine.) 

Dessert?  Lemon sorbet. 

about avocados from the California avocado commission
                                                                                                                                                                                         courtesy ca avocado commission
Calories, yes.  Cholesterol, no.

Avocados provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid. They also act as a "nutrient booster" by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, in foods that are eaten with the fruit.

Avocados and Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, but a healthy diet and exercise plan may help reduce your risk of developing the life-threatening illness.
The American Heart Association (AHA) Dietary Guidelines recommend a diet that has at least five servings of fruits and vegetables, contains up to 30% of calories from fats (primarily unsaturated) and is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, trans fats and sodium while being rich in potassium. Avocados can help you meet the AHA dietary guidelines because they have both monosaturated and polyunsaturated fat and contain potassium.
  Want more avocado recipes?

If you liked this, you might like other avocado recipes like  Shrimp Cobb from More Time at the Table


Pico de Gallo Halibut on Warm Rice Salad with Bacon Pintos from More Time at the Table

Every Friday for the foreseeable future, I'll be blogging one of the 38 healthiest ingredients from POWER FOODS : 150 DELICIOUS RECIPES WITH THE 38 HEALTHIEST INGREDIENTS by the editors of Whole Living Magazine. 

38 Power Foods is a group effort!   Stop by these other blogs and see what they're cooking each week as we team up to bring you some of the healthiest cooking available: 

Ansh –  
Jill – SaucyCooks 
Sarah - Everything in the Kitchen Sink
As we go along, I'm guessing we'll get some other writers involved.  If you're interested in joining the gang writing each week, get in touch with Mireya from My Healthy Eating Habits:

two-dog kitchen and around the 'hood
  first three taken with my iphone
Sweet Peas next door in front yard

My hydrangeas from the west garden

South garden hostas in bloom
All the toys are mine, you see.  Right?

Sing a new song,


  1. I love avocados and am always looking for great recipes. Thanks for sharing!

  2. That salad looks so refreshing and perfect for our 100-plus degree heat! My Picky Eater husband wouldn't like the avocados. Maybe I can hide them!

  3. @ Linda Make it without avocados! You could use green beans you've cooked in the microwave. Or skip those veggies and just eat the spinach.

    @Ellen: Be still, my pounding heart---at the thought that this is a "great recipe." What a nice compliment. Let me know if you make it.

    Happy Friday!

  4. This sounds delicious! Can't wait to try it! Thank you for sharing!

  5. opps! Sorry...I meant to comment on the salad post!

  6. I lost my comment while typing.

    Your salad is just right for the hot weather or any time of the year. I hope, I can make it for lunch tomorrow.

  7. With the way the weather is in Colorado right now, this is exactly what I need.
    There is just something about Cilantro, jalapeno Avocado all together that calls me ! Super dish!

  8. This is really my kind of food! It's easy, delicious, and got that great South West flavor. That was a nice nutritional analysis you found. It should make people wonder why they haven't been eating it all along.

  9. I know I am echoing Anshie, but with a week of hundred degree days and all of the fires, this recipe is just what us Coloradans need! Super delish and fabulously healthful , it is just what the doctor ordered!

  10. This is a "cool" meal and while I make it from scratch, it's easy and healthful from deli-bought ingredients, too. Sometimes it's even too hot to stand in front of the grill. The other night, I made two different goat's cheese spreads, bought a baguette, strawberries, a cold bottle of Sancerre and called it dinner. Phew. Stay cool, Coloradans!

  11. Love this "cool" meal, Alyce. I've bookmarked it the next time I want a tasty healthy way to use up leftover rotisserie chicken. Your chart comparing butter, cheese and avocado was so powerful! We all think of avocado as fattening, but in moderation, it's a wonderful healthy food we can all feel good about indulging in!

  12. I've popped over from one of your other group members. The recipes you all are posting are great. I'm your newest follower and a new blog, Define Inspiration~Mind~Body ~Soul. I'd love for you to stop over at my new blog and follow me too... if you'd like.

  13. Hey! Welcome!! Thanks for being here. Will visit you,too.

  14. This is a very nice chicken dish. Would you be happy to link it in to my Chicken Edition of Food on Friday? This is the link

  15. Am happy to link this dish! Hope I understand; I just fill in the blanks and leave a comment?

    1. Thanks for linking in Alyce. We now have a great collection of chicken recipes - now over 70 and still coming in!
      Have a good week.


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