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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kathy's Apple Pie

Kathy's pie
My hairdresser works about a half-a-block from my house.  Her name is Kathy.  I chose her because... she works about a half-a-block from my house.  When we moved here, I cried at leaving Jen, my hairdresser of 13 years in Colorado.  So I didn't even look for anyone special; I just chose the closest "girl" and tried her.  I mean, you've seen my hair.  What could go wrong?  And, if it did, how much time would it take to grow a bit?  Luckily, everything has worked out fine.  My hair's just right.
When Kathy did it the first time, I sent Jen a pic on my cell phone.  "She's got the color spot-on, but it's a wee bit short," said Jen.

My hair's been the same for...let's say for a while.  (With Britta last March.)
 Outside Kathy's shop is a sign that says, "Curl Up and Dye."  Underneath:  "For Hair."

Kathy and I hit it off right away.  We're both "of an age," though she still has a couple of kids running around sometimes at home.   She also has lots of dogs--more than I do.   There's tons of great stuff about her, but I like her because you can just talk about anything when you're in her chair:  houses, food, kids, husbands, church, jobs, horses, dogs, clothes, shopping, shoes, ETC.   She's given me the info on great places to find and do all kinds of things, but mostly helped solidify my forever dedication to the lovely institution of the St. Paul Farmer's Market where her family has a bagel breakfast sandwich and coffee stall.  (Dave and I frequent that hot spot.)  Sometimes we talk about whether or not it's worth it for them to start baking their own bagels.  Having watched Dave make bagels (I don't make them!), I lean toward buying them from the great bagel maker down the street--just like they have been.  Why mess with a good thing if you're still making a tidy profit?

One time, in a whimsical voice, Kathy said, "Ah, gee.  In fall, I really miss apple pie.  My Mom always made great apple pie."  She was sad.  I don't think Kathy bakes apple pies, but I think she was missing her mom as much as anything.  So I figured next time I went to get my hair cut, I'd bring her a pie.  I make a lot of pies, though I rarely eat them.  In fact, pie makes people so happy that I don't know why I don't eat them. (Naturally, I eat the great coconut cream pie in the cafe on the square in Santa Fe... or my own cherry pie from our Colorado cherries.  I'm more of a chocolate woman overall.)

Late this morning, I started Kathy's pie.  I had no idea how her mother made pie, but my pie wouldn't be like Kathy's mom's no matter what, so I just baked the pie.  Pretty much like I always do, but with a little bit of a twist all around.  Lots of butter, great Honeycrisp apples, Penzey's cinnamon right on top of the unbaked bottom crust.  Cream brushed top crust.   A recipe I'll share.  You might like it for Thanksgiving.  If you make it now and don't bake it, you can wrap it tightly in foil, freeze it, and bake it frozen (on a foiled sheet pan) early Thanksgiving morning.  It'll take longer to get done, but done ahead is done ahead.

Kathy's Apple Pie  makes 1 9" pie; serves 6-8

2 9-10" pie crusts (recipe below)

5-7 medium Honeycrisp apples, cored, peeled, and sliced thinly+
2t fresh lemon juice
3/4 t Chinese cinnamon, divided (some for crust and some for the apples)
1/4 t grated fresh nutmeg
1/8 t salt

3T flour
2/3 - 3/4 c granulated white sugar  plus 2 tsp for bottom crust and top crust (use 2/3 for sweeter
         apples and 3/4 for tarter ones like Honeycrisp or Granny Smith)
2T cold butter, diced
1t heavy cream, half and half or milk

1.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Place one pie crust in the 9" glass pie pan, trim, and crimp (pinch) edges.
3.  Use about 1 tsp of the sugar and mix with 1/8 tsp cinnamon.  Dust the entire bottom crust with the cinnamon-sugar  mixture.
4.  In a large bowl, mix apples and lemon juice.  Add flour,  3/4 cup of sugar, the rest of the cinnamon, the nutmeg and the salt.  Toss gently, but well.  Carefully pour or spoon apple mixture into the crust.
5.  Drop the diced butter evenly over the apple mixture.
6.  Place top crust over the pie and trim so that there's about an inch overhanging the pie.
7.  Pinch together the crust and either press edge of crust into the pie plate with the tines of a fork or crimp.
8.  Using pastry brush, brush top crust with cream or milk and dust evenly with the last teaspoon of sugar.
9.  Make several small slits (evenly spread) through top crust for venting the filling as it cooks. You can make a design; I made a "K" for Kathy and a few "arrows."
10.  Bake 15-20 minutes on a rimmed baking sheet lined with foil, and lower oven temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  Bake another hour or so until pie is golden brown and juices are bubbling out of the slits. *  Cool completely on a wire rack before serving.

+Honeycrisp apples, developed at "The U" here in Minnesota, hold their shape well.  Because of that, I slice them thinly.  They won't get terribly soft and break down.  If you're using a softer apple, cut them in larger slices.  Also, some folks like the skin left on their apples for pie.  Do as you like.

*If it's getting too brown, carefully lay a piece of aluminum foil loosely on top of the pie.

Prep note:  I usually prep the apple mixture and put  that aside.  Then I tackle making the crust.  I roll out the bottom crust and place it in the pie pan.  In goes the apple mixture and I set the whole thing aside while I take the second crust out of the frig and roll it.  I next roll the second crust loosely around the rolling pin (or you can carefully fold it in half and then in half again) and gently lay it on top of the buttered apples. Trim, crimp, and it's ready for the oven.

Here's the pie before baking.
I had enough for a coffee cup pie for Dave.

Alyce's Double Pie Crust Recipe:

2 2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup salted butter, cut into 1" pieces
1 tsp kosher salt
1/2 cup iced water  (Use a 1 cup measuring cup and pour in 1/2 water; add ice and use quickly.)

*In food processor, place flour, butter and salt. (This may also be done with a pastry cutter or two knives.)  Pulsing, cut butter into the flour until there are 1/2" sizes pieces (and some smaller and some larger) of buttered crumbs.
*With machine running, pour in water slowly.  When the dough begins to pull away from the sides of the machine, stop the machine, and turn dough out onto a well-floured board or counter.
*Gently and quickly pat dough into a ball and divide ball evenly in half.
*Wrap one half and refrigerate it.  Take the other half and press it into a flat disc.  Dust the dough with flour, and, with a floured rolling pin, roll from the center out to the edges moving clockwise around the dough until the dough is about 10" in diameter.  Move the dough every few rolls of the pin so it doesn't stick.  You may need to keep putting a bit of flour sprinkled underneath.
*Remove dough from frig and repeat for top crust.

All baked up with somewhere to go.

Two-Dog Kitchen and Around the Hood.....

Next Monday, November 21, I direct a pick-up choir at St. Frances Cabrini Church,  1500 Franklin Ave., Minneapolis, MN,  for an Ecumenical Thanksgiving.  Want to sing?  Show up at 6pm for rehearsal of easy anthem,"Simple Gifts" for worship service that begins at 7pm.  Hope to hear you!

This is up on the blog next--a braised leg of lamb with vegetables.  Perfect alternative Thankgiving.

The start of a neighborhood birthday/wine-tasting dinner....I did the lamb above.  It was potluck.

Friend Mac at the table Friday night.

Long night, eh, buddy?

We have a monthly concert series at Prospect Park--Here's SHOUT! from Lake Harriet U Methodist

Today's cardinal + flowering geraniums still living in neighbor's window boxes!

Floor's done and I've been painting.  The color, appropriate to the season, is "Pumpkin Pie."
Gorgeous trees still golden 'til just a few days ago.
Last roses of summer....
We haven't had any really cold weather yet and that's unusual.  Several days ago, I finally cut the last of the roses and brought them in for a vase.  I rarely cut my flowers, thinking they look best where God placed them.  But when it's going to be 22 degrees F, I cut them all!

Still blooming the second week of November

A foil packet salmon done in 20 minutes I wrote for

Dave said, "This is the best salmon I've ever tasted." I couldn't believe how tender it was.

Sing a new song,

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