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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Leaving Seattle.  Obviously on vacation.....

Seems like I've had no time at all since we got home from Alaska...  We've had house guests twice and Dave has traveled a lot.  I've played big catch-up in the yard...and have a new herb garden in on the north side.  I've been busy with physical therapy (regaining some upper-body strength) and added hearing aids to my wardrobe. 

Summer in the hood is hot this year.  It's our second week of mostly 90's and I don't remember that ever.   I've spent a really lot of time watering... and watering.  Some pots have needed watering twice a day.  Who could have figured?
Meantime, I thought I'd use this blogpost for some pics so you can see what's been up around the 2-dog kitchen and other places:

Right:  My French class came to dinner...

I've been trying to get a good loaf of rye bread.  Still working on it.

Another try at a leftover fish salad.  This one was with cold grilled tuna and a mustard vinaigrette. Yum.

Here are a few from the trip:

With the fish at Pike Place Market in Seattle---Veggies, too.

Going to dinner...

Someone else was cookin'

Me and the glacier....

Fishing for crab...

And eating it.


This spruce pic taken during a macro-photography class in the rain forest.

Edible spruce tips...
I ate some.  Guide said she makes sorbet from them.  Hmmm.

Taken during a photography class in a small boat on the ocean...   ah, whales.

We clean up well.

More later...  2-Dog Kitchen under signature....
Be patient; I've got some great summer recipes. 
Tonight I grilled some wahoo on lemon slices and topped it with homemade "pickles"...
Sing a new song,

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