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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sole Mates

Have you ever made sole? Did you ever want to? (Never thought about it?)

I hit the store the other day wondering what in the world I was going to cook for just me. I was thrilled to find "Dover" sole (Canadian) -- fresh- for $7.99 a pound. You can bet I bought a pound, knowing I'd share it with a neighbor or eat the rest on top of a salad the next day.

This is the meal to make when you ate barbeque ( or pizza?) all weekend and just know things can't quite go on that way.

It's also..........wonderful!!!!!!!

I adore the French Sole Meuniere, but wondered what else I might do with it.. having made meuniere several times (a great dish for 1 or 2). When I arrived home, I saw I had some asparagus in the veg bin and wondered how I could use it. I am very fond of fresh poached fish....
on top of vegetables and, yes, a star was born. Make it tonight, friends.

Sole Mates
Serves 2

1# fresh asparagus, trimmed very well
2 T water

1 med-large shallot, sliced
Kosher salt and freshly-ground pepper
1/2 c rose or white wine
1 tsp butter
1# fresh sole

1 lemon

Preheat oven to 200 F. Place dinner plates in oven to warm.

Cook asparagus in microwave with two tablespoons water on high, covered, for two minutes. Drain well.

In large skillet, saute sliced shallot in skillet sprayed with PAM until almost tender. Salt and pepper shallots and add cooked asparagus. Simmer a minute or two and add wine. Place sole filets on top, salt and pepper all and cover for about 3 minutes until sole is opaque. Using large spatula, divide food into two portions onto warm plates, ladeling a bit of sauce on top. Squeeze lemon over each plate. Serve hot. Share with a friend as it IS too much for you. Or: Walk it over to a neighbor. Go on, be brave. You can do it.
Wine: Sauvignon Blanc
Dessert: Not going there.
Making the meal bigger: Small, red, new potatoes covered with parsley and butter?

Sing a new song, eat a light meal, honey---------


Another kind of "sole" mates.. The Rock and The Gabber

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